Tue-Sat: 09:00 - 12:30 / 15:00 - 19:00

Cookie Policy

This delaroworld.com website owned by MDM S.r.l. protects the confidentiality of visitors and users in full compliance with European (European Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data) and Italian (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and its novated Legislative Decree 101/2018 Code on the Protection of Personal Data) regulations by putting in place every possible action to not infringe the rights of users.
MDM S.r.l. wants to provide you as a user visitor with all necessary technical information, in the utmost transparency on the use of the information this site collects and how it uses it, also providing you with appropriate tools in order to be able to express your will (consent or refusal).

What are “cookies”?

Cookies (literally translated “cookies”) are technical tools that record a set of information you enter on your browser when you browse and visit a website or in case of (use of) social networks (Facebook etc.) with your PC, smartphone or tablet. Each cookie holds various data such as, for example, the name of the server it came from, the numeric identifier, and so on.

How long do cookies last?
  • The cookie can be “session” then, remain until the browser used for web browsing is closed.
  • The cookie can remain for longer periods (in this case 360 days).
What are the types of cookies?
  • Technical cookies: necessary to perform computer authentication, session tracking, and storage of specific information about your access to a web page. They make navigation faster and quicker and facilitate procedures (such as those for online purchases by authenticating at restricted areas). They basically store some of your provided information and prevent you from re-entering it when you return to the Web site.
  • Analytical cookies: likened to technical cookies used for the purpose of collecting information, in aggregate form, about the number of users and how they visit the site.
  • Profiling cookies: used to monitor your behavior as a user, create your profile/user in order to send advertising messages (banner ads related to the last searches or the last purchase made on the web) consistent with your preferences expressed while browsing the web. Because of the particular invasiveness that such devices can have within your private sphere, European and Italian regulations require that you must be adequately informed about their use and thus express your valid consent.
  • Third-party cookies: a web page may contain cookies from other sites and contained in various elements hosted on the page (e.g. banner ads, images, videos, etc.. ). In this way, cookies downloaded to your pc, smartphone and tablet can also be read by other parties, other than the operator/owner of the site you visit European and Italian regulations require that you be informed in advance and adequately about their use and express your valid consent to the placement of cookies on your terminal.
  • Tracking cookies via social plug-ins: many social networks offer “social plug-in modules” that website owners can integrate into their platform in order to provide certain services that may be considered “explicitly requested” by members, but not for that reason “strictly necessary.” For these reasons, tracking cookies cannot be exempt from consent.
How DE.LA.RO® uses cookies on the delaroworld.com website

The use of cookies by the owner of the delaroworld.com website frames its Privacy Policy; for all information required by Art. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679.

Cookies for which we do not ask your consent
  • Cookie tecnici e analytics
    Il sito delaroworld.comdelaroworld.com utilizza cookie tecnici di sessione che non richiedono consenso ma sono funzionali al sito, per l’erogazione del servizio e per ottimizzare la tua navigazione, e cookie tecnici relativi utili al salvataggio delle preferenze ed ottimizzazione del servizio. Questi cookie non raccolgono tue informazioni e non tracciano il tuo profilo. L’utilizzo di questi cookie ottimizzano le pagine web che visiti :
    • authentication cookie
    • Technical cookies required by some computer systems.
  • Authentication cookies, saved when you open a session on the site using the authentication service upon acceptance of the data protection policy.
  • Analytical cookies

This site uses these cookies only for internal research purposes to try to improve the service it provides to users. With these cookies, interactions with delaroworld.com are evaluated anonymously: the data collected personally identifies the user. Data are not shared with third parties nor are and will be used for any other purpose

Cookies for which we ask your consent

Cookies other than technical cookies are installed/activated only if you actively express consent the first time you visit this site. We need your informed, voluntary, specific consent means Consent can be expressed at a general level by interacting with the brief information banner on the landing page to this site, in the manner we have provided in the banner (by clicking on the accept/reject/optional buttons ); We must keep track of this consent but you will always have the option to revoke all or part of the consent already given. It is not necessary that a special tool be provided to revoke consent, it is sufficient for the user to be told how to do so (by proceeding to the deletion of cookies), even possibly by directing to pages outside the site. Profiling cookies used to monitor your behavior as a user, create your profile/user in order to send advertising messages( banner ads related to the last searches or the last purchase made on the web) in coherence with your preferences expressed while browsing the web. Because of the particular invasiveness that such devices can have within your private sphere, European and Italian regulations require that you must be adequately informed about their use and thus express your valid consent.

Other External Suppliers on the Website

These third-party services are beyond the control of the data controller and site operator. Provider companies may change their terms of service, purpose and use of cookies, etc. at any time.

  • YouTube
  • GoogleMaps
How can you manage cookies?

You can manage/delete cookies at your convenience by clicking here: see aboutcookies.org for more information.
Delete cookies from your device
It is possible to delete all cookies that are on the user’s device by deleting the browsing history of the browser: all cookies from all sites visited will be deleted. Some saved information (such as login credentials or site preferences) may be lost.
Manage cookies from specific sites
For more detailed control of cookies based on the originating site, check the privacy and cookie settings in your preferred browser.
Blocking cookies
Most modern browsers allow the user to prevent the creation of cookies on their device, but then you will need to manually adjust some preferences each time you visit a site or page. In addition, some services and features may not work properly (such as connecting with a profile).
Manage your cookie preferences through your browser as well
If you do not know the type and version of browser you are using, click on “Help” in the browser window at the top, from which you can access all the information you need. If you know your browser instead, click on the one you are using to access the cookie management page:
Internet Explorer https://support.microsoft.com/it-it/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
Google Chrome https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=it
Mozilla Firefox https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie
Safari https://support.apple.com/it-it/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
If you want even more information this page is very useful! : https://www.youronlinechoices.com/it/

Owner of delaroworld.com owner of the processing of your personal data is.
DE.LA.RO® Via del Commercio, 110 – Urgnano (BG) – 24059
Email: [email protected]
Phone +39 035 894399